Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Strength & Courage: Living ED Free

Dear Friends,

I wanted to take a second and share an amazing note I received from a very courageous and inspiring young lady by the name of Dannielle.  Many people ask me;

"What is I Chose To Live, and what does it mean?"

I try and explain it the best way I can.  In short, it's a movement started about 2 years ago by people in recovery from various eating disorders and the purpose is to support and motivate others through the recovery process.  It's a team approach and we believe that by standing and working together, we can in turn live free and happy from the binds of an eating disorder.  For if I may fall, I know there is somebody at my side to pick me up and carry me forward.  I Chose To Live is about letting your light SHINE, and being there for those in recovery.  Again, "Together We CAN!!"  

That is usually what I say when I talk about I Chose To Live.  However, after reading this amazing email and story from Dannielle-- I am now just going to tell people about her story.  I want to thank Dannielle for her courage and willingness to spread hope.  She is an inspiration to me, and it's a true honor standing beside her in recovery. 

This message brought tears of joy to my eyes, and a smile to my heart!!! I hope it does the same for you!

Hello! So I am relatively new to this page, (I Chose To Live) and I am highly impressed!!! I feel from your site a more down to earth real life response to eating disorder recovery, verses reading statistics from treatment centers. So I thank you for creating this site, and this organization. I have benefited from it immensely and have invited many people as well :) Together recovery is possible!!!

 I also wanted to take a moment to share a HUGE accomplishment that I achieved today in relation to my recovery from bulimia. Today I completed my paper work for my graduation from Massasoit Community College. I am completing my degree there for social work, hoping to one day open my own private practice to treat eating disorders and self injury. Today I turned in my paper work for my diploma, my cap and gown, for my transcripts to continue my education at Bridgewater State College where there I hope to complete my bachelor's and Master's degree in social work, and then going on to get certified in eating disorder treatment. I also turned in my paperwork for licensing for my LSWA degree!!! Today is one of the biggest most meaningful days in my life because my Ed made me believe this day would never come. But it did. :)

An associate's degree takes 2 years to complete usually, but due to being in treatment numerous times, it has taken me longer to complete. But the fact that it took me longer to complete shows me my strength and my courage. That I can achieve things in this world. That I am a good person who does good things. And that I will continue to be a good person and do good things Ed free! Today, submitting all that paper work, and starting my internship, has really provided me with extra motivation to continue working for recovery, and to continue to pursue my dreams, and that I know longer need to fear life, but need to kick it's ass! Thank you again for this movement and for the opportunity  to share this achievement and milestone in my life :)

~ Dannielle


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